Congratulations to Team NEO for the Red Bull X-Alps 2023

La Red Bull X-Alps est l’une des courses d’aventure les plus difficiles au monde. Il s’agit d’une course épique à travers les Alpes sur près de deux semaines, au cours de laquelle une trentaine d’athlètes ont un seul but : rallier les différentes balises le plus rapidement possible en vol ou à pied. Les points de passages sont sélectionnés au cœur de massifs emblématiques et de stations de ski célèbres. Les athlètes parcourent souvent jusqu’à 4 000 mètres de dénivelé par jour, peuvent courir jusqu’à 100 km à pied et voler 200 km ! Il s’agit non seulement d’un incroyable test d’endurance physique, mais aussi d’une épreuve suprême pour les meilleurs athlètes mondiaux de hike and fly.

La Red Bull X-Alps n’est ouverte qu’aux meilleurs pilotes de parapente et athlètes du monde, mais c’est une course unique où les hommes et les femmes concourent à égalité. La course a été fondée en 2003 par l’aventurier Hannes Arch et a lieu tous les deux ans depuis. L’édition 2023 a marqué le 20e anniversaire de cette course emblématique.

Cette année, trois ambassadeurs NEO étaient au départ de la Red Bull X-Alps : Maxime Pinot, Tim Alongi et Laurie Genovese.

L’édition 2023 a été l’année de tous les records, puisque les premiers athlètes ont bouclé la course en seulement 6 jours grâce à des conditions météorologiques exceptionnelles pour le vol ! 

Maxime Pinot - Red Bull X-Alps 2023
For its third participation in the Red Bull X-Alps, Maxime Pinot confirms his status as favourite and continues to lead the race alongside the best hike & fly riders. After a fierce battle to keep the lead, despite the extreme conditions, Maxime Pinot finished on the third step of the podium.

I was pushed to my limits by the conditions and all the incredible athletes here. The pace was simply insane. But it was only thanks to my wonderful team that we finally finished on the podium.
At times I felt like giving up on the last two days because the conditions were very, very tough. I experienced air masses in which I had never flown before and, at certain moments, I began to feel the fear rising. But thanks to all their energy, I was able to push all the way to the float at Zell Am See, in one night and a final run of sixty kilometres. I can never be grateful enough for their care, support and kindness. I'll never forget all the magnificent mountains we crossed, sometimes in violent winds. I'll never forget seeing the Matterhorn and Monte Rosa along the way. Moments of ecstasy at altitude".

Maxime Pinot

Maxime Pinot – Team FRA 1 :
2118.73 km covered in 6 days and 18 hours
274.21 km on foot in 44.7 hours
1844.53 km of flight in 54.2 hours
For its first participation in the Red Bull X-Alps Tim Alongi is the first Rookie to finish this 2023 edition! From the beginning, he positioned himself as an outsider. He was constantly in contact with the frontrunners and even temporarily occupied third place! He finally finished in seventh place, just a few hours behind the frontrunners. A first participation that is more than promising for future editions.

I think I like being called a rookie because it means I have to prove something to someone who doesn't believe in me. I like it because it gives me a lot of energy to prove you wrong... That's how I became a professional athlete and achieved the highest level of happiness in my life by finishing the Red bull X-alps 23. I hope you all experience this feeling at least once in your lives. Thanks to Red Bull X-Alps for this and see you in 2025!"

Tim Alongi

Tim Alongi – Team FRA 4 :
2250.1 km covered in 6 days 21 hours
295.85 km on foot in 46.5 hours
1954.25 km of flight in 54 hours

Tim Alongi - Red Bull X-Alps 2023
Laurie Genovese - Red Bull X-Alps 2023
After his first participation in the Red Bull X-Alps in 2021, Laurie Genovese is back for her second appearance at the Red Bull X-Alps in 2023. She finished first woman in the prologue, but after 5 days of racing in difficult conditions and almost 640 km, she was eliminated as last woman in the race. The regulations are such thatevery 48 hours, From 14 June, the last participant is eliminated.

After a first day of racing where my sail temporarily stopped flying in an unexpected rain squall, I reopened a not-so-well-sealed wound. And then I couldn't accept the commitment needed for this race. It's been a long road over the last 2 years, and I've learnt a lot and made a lot of progress, but not enough to enjoy this race again. Physically fit as ever, mentally still too fragile.
My heart is heavy and I'm very disappointed, as much for myself as for my team, my partners and my family. I would have liked to tell you another story, but that's the way it is. The human adventure was crazy, thank you TEAMFRA3".

Laurie Genovese

Laurie Genovese – Team FRA 3 :
639.69 km covered in 5 days
225.66 km on foot in 37.5 hours
414.03 km of flight in 13.5 hours